The world of DN6JJ, DO9JJ, DL2JJ

My daughter Laura Bergmann - Germany's youngest Exctra Class licensed HAM Radio YL (11 years old 2018) - DL2JJ / since 30.01.2018

My daughter Laura Bergmann - Germany's youngest licensed HAM Radio YL (10 years old 2017) - DO9JJ / 24.10.2017 - 30.02.1018

JJ's family: DL9JJ-Verjy, DO9JJ-Laura, DL8JJ-Emil

During the first week of her school vacation from October 9th to 13th, 2017 Laura attended the recent intensive ham radio license course,
hosted by the Frankfurt am Main chapter (F05) of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club . In the second week of her school vacation (October 13th to 22nd)
she studied the test questions and practiced intensively.
On October 24th, 2017 she demonstrated what she had learned to the Bundesnetzargentur in Eschborn, who rewarded her with the call sign, DO9JJ.

Ausbildungscontest 19.10.2013

Laura Bergmann - Sie ist die jüngste Funkerin, die das Ausbildungs-Diplom Nr.040 mit 5 Jahren bekommen hat:

Sehen Sie auch das Video: CQ DE DN6JJ

Laura Bergmann made her first QSO on 08.10.2011 on 80m / SSB with DK3CF-OP Max

HAM Spirit lebt und ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle bei DJ8SW - OM Werner herzlich bedanken.
Er hat Ihr als QSL-Bestätigung ein handgemachten wunderschönen Taddybär geschickt.
Dazu kam auch ein sehr bewegender und herzlicher Brief:

The first&BIG QSL confirmation from DJ8SW came

This is it! QSL's-Taddybear is already in the chack!

Laura Bergmann - 4 years old 2011

DN6JJ QSL card.

Laura Bergmann - 2 years old 2008
DAD, please give me the microphone...NOW!

I can hear you, but were my microphone s'gone?